Management by change

Moving with the times

Innovation in management necessarily implies change or moving with the times. This change can manifest itself in many ways but all of them will have profound bearing in the fundamental concept of human relations

At the organizational level, change is an essential ingredient of corporate life. Quite often, an organization is able to adapt itself to changes in structure, processes, people and values without much of an upheaval.

But sometimes, the organization may have to go in for strategic changes, with basic questioning: How do we compete? What can set the stage for a fundamental regressing of our very philosophy and rationale?

At one time, Switzerland dominated the world ‘s watch market with its excellence . Quartz was developed by a researcher in a Swiss company. In 1967.However, it was rejected because it had no bearing s or gears and quartz could not be the future watch. However, the researchers displayed the quartz watch as the annual watch congress. Texas, USA and Seiko of Japan caught the opportunity. The rest is history.
A capable leader with compelling strategic agenda interacts with a number of people at every level, winning them over to sign up for meaningful changes of course. The task of bringing changes also has attendant risks. But all can be overcome by proper delegation and development of skilled leaders at every level.

Many advantages are inherent in the introduction of certain vital changes. Financial benefits to the organization, improving work attitude, improved job satisfaction and rewards in the form of incentives

History has shown that successful leaders have not been developers of technology but those who have been able to make it work successfully with innovation and drive and sans any human relations problems .establishing effective leadership behavior and ensuring that the emphasis is directed forwards management of innovation and change is the need of the hour

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Total Number: 3 (50 Per Page)

لا يصح إلا الصحيح wrote:

معكون حق يا جماعة بس شو الجل ؟

2010-12-14 18:47:48

samoura wrote:

المدير الجيد هو الذي يكون مدير وليس مستثمر .....لأن الوجهين غير ناجحجين بوجودهما بنفس الشخص ولا بد من أن تطغى إحداهما على الأخرى

2010-12-14 09:23:43

غيث ب wrote:

قد يكون التغيير مفيداً لكنه مكلف فالمنشآىت الان لا تملك الاموال و لا الكوادر المناسبة كما ان اعتناقنا للتكنولوجيا الحديثة بطي جداً فالانترنت محجوب و بطي و التعليم مازال قيد التجربة   

2010-12-12 13:52:34

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